Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My Very Own Case Study!

Hello my fellow readers! I hope all of you stayed safe during the hurricane! Could you imagine if you were a traveler living in the Northeast during Hurricane Sandy? How would you feel about that? Would you feel safe? I'm sure some of you felt like you were living the traveling life with no electricity, and even for some of you, traveling around looking for a place to sleep! Just think: at least you had a car and not a covered-wagon...could you imagine? I definitely couldn't! You have to give these gypsies props!

In class, we now get to review what we have learned and do even more research on our topic. The research method I decided to pick was the Case Study method, where I can zoom in on one's life (two in my case!) and look into it and see what else I can really learn! I'll be researching what gypsies learn from living the traveler's life! We already briefly studied the life of Roxy, so we'll definitely go deeper into her situation and see how she's doing.

As you can tell, things are not like what we see on TLC. Instead, the travelers tend to take a not-so-extravagant lifestyle that isn't what TLC wants for any shows. (Watch them now make a show to shut me up!)

Hope everyone was safe!

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