Friday, November 30, 2012

Final Plan!

Alright fellow readers, things are about to get really interesting here on the blog! We'll be reading more into the case study of Roxy, and we'll also be looking at the case study of Kathleen, an Irish traveler. We'll see how much gypsies learn, but we'll also learn that things are not as amazing as things may seem on television. Travelers live very difficult lives, and we can learn to appreciate the lifestyle we have instead of using theirs for entertainment. How long can these traditions really last, and how have they managed to stay away from the temptation of just staying in one place and settling down? Of course we all know that has to do with weather, but has anyone really felt that there is one area they would to call home?

We see the cultural differences and we can also see how strong one would need to be in order to live the gypsy life. Reading these case studies are extremely interesting, and help us to realize how much we really have and what else we can learn in this world. What are the difference between the lives of Kathleen and Roxy? What's similar? What valuable lessons can we learn and what are their views on how they live? If you have any questions, comment!

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