Shocking, right? I didn't even think there were that many people who followed these ancient travelling traditions. The Romani people's traditions have only been around for about 700 years, which may not seem very long. During the medieval time period in Europe, Europeans assumed them to be of Egyptian or Turkish descent, and they soon achieved the name of "the pharaoh's people."
Legend has it that the travelers were the descendants of musicians who were given as gifts Bahram Gur (aka the ruler of Persia at the time). He soon became tired of them (Why??????? They have beautiful music!) and soon sent them off their own so they may find the lost corners of Earth. other legends say that the Romanis are the descendants of the survivors of the lost city of Atlantis!

What do you think about these legends? Do you know of any?
I am surprised that the number of gypsies is so high! I would rationalize maybe a thousand, but twelve million is more for me to grasp. These legends sounds a little wacky to me. I agree the music is beautiful so why abandon it, or "get tired of it". And find the lost city of Atlantis I would be shocked if they did! I think that people are just trying to rationalize what they don't know. People don't like not knowing things. So these crazy legends is their knew formed "knowledge". But anyway it's interesting!